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Unishipping Logistics has been in the business for over 5 years and staffs more than 20 employees. We are one of the most experiential in freight forwarding co. in Ningbo with an abundance of internal resources including our own trucking fleet, A FCL warehouse of 40,000m2, in-house customs broker , and our overseas trading co. In addition we have our own air express shipping contracts with DHL, UPS, and TNT, handling on avg. 15 tons/month of air cargo, ave. 1,500/cbm of LCL freight in Ningbo, and export 1,000 teus/month of ocean freight.
Unishipping Logistics is a major player in the Freight Forwarding Industry in Zhejiang China, almost every factory or foreign trade co. in Ningbo knows who we are. Our many years of experience have raised our professional expectations. Achieving our company’s goals have broadened our market focus and attracted many new clients.
Today, as international trade continues to increase and communication technologies are bringing suppliers and consumers throughout the world closer together, it is progressively important for Unishipping to transport your goods as efficiently and economically as possible in order for us and our customs to maintain a competitive advantage. Whether you need these goods next month, next week or yesterday we will satisfy your needs.
By maintaining lasting and productive business relationships, we ensure our mutual well-being. Our clients expect timely and cost-effective services; our associates and suppliers seek maximum exposure of their products; our partners look for trust and long term relationships; and our employees desire work fulfillment. Meeting these needs requires continual effort and dedication. We believe that by constantly striving for superior standards, we will be the best in our business重要城市
马斯喀特位于巴提奈地区东南的阿曼湾平原,人口 119.1万, 其中本国人口 46万,外籍常住人口 73.1万。
自1970年卡布斯苏丹登基以来, 经过40多年的发展建设,马斯喀特市发生了翻天覆地的变化,区域从马斯 喀特老城扩展到西卜,长达48公里,市政规划有序,雏整齐,绿化美观, 建筑富有民族特色。市内拥有距今400多年历史的著名的贾拉里古城堡等 名胜古迹,还有卡布斯大学、卡布斯体育中心、卡布斯皇家医院、布斯坦 宫饭店等。马斯喀特已成为阿曼政治、经济、文化和商业中心。 [5]
尼兹瓦(NIZWA),乃是阿曼苏丹国的古城,内阿曼(0MAN)地区的首府,在马斯喀特(Mascat)以西约l30公里的地方,即绿山(Jebel at Akildar)西南麓的草原上,海拔为580米。
尼兹瓦,约当公元8世纪至16世纪时,曾是阿曼戈兰迪王朝(Ghuolallddis)第一教长国和第二教长国的首都。10世纪初,阿曼亚里巴王朝(Yalibi),一度定都于此。建有阿拉伯半岛上最大的圆城堡。城堡花十二年时间建成,高为24.5米,直径36.6米,有七道大门,以地下室为监狱,城内有供水系统,是用来抵抗葡萄牙人(PortugalS)入侵的防御措施。后在公元1913年至1955年期间,于此建立过“阿曼伊斯兰教长国”,展开了与英国殖民主义者的斗争。并于1955年并入以马斯喀特为首都的“阿曼苏丹国”(Sultanate of Oman),属在阿曼九个地区之一的“内地”,尼兹瓦即其首都。
萨拉拉(SALALA)阿曼南部城市。濒临阿拉伯海。为佐法尔历史名城,古代以盛产乳香闻名,13世纪马可波罗称之为繁荣的城市。萨拉拉的植被丰富和茂盛,沿着沙质的海滩蔓延,内陆有有茂密的椰林和香蕉园,尽管萨拉拉地处热带,但由于有季风的影响,这里泉水处处、绿意盎然,生产的作物有椰子木瓜、芭蕉等,并到处可见到棕榈树和肥沃的农田。萨拉拉是阿拉伯半岛上唯一有季风的地方。萨拉拉是一座历史古城,古代乳香之路的一些城市已经被岁月所埋没,但这里已经成为主要的游览胜地。其他值得游览的地方还有哈法市场(Hafah Souq)一个著名的、以香料交易为主的市场。此外,萨拉拉海滩也是一处非常值得游览的地方。







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